Terms of Service

Terms of Service

Last updated 2022-11-06

§1 General

  1. Reading these Terms of Service is mandatory before using the dba-presents.com website. By accessing the website, you confirm reading the Terms of Service and accepting it.
  2. If you disagree with any part of the Terms of Service, you may not acecss the website.
  3. The dba-presents.com website (Website) is owned and operated by DBA presents Arkadiusz Fronc, 32-091 Raciborowice, registered in Poland (Owner).


§2 Content Ownership

  1. Content of the Website including texts, images, photos, presentations, videos etc. belongs to the Owner except content that references to third party websites.
  2. Content of the Website that belongs to the Owner cannot be published, reproduced, printed without written permission from the Owner. All rights are reserved.
  3. Content from third party websites is not owned or controlled by the Owner. The Owner assumes no responsibility for the content, policies, technical difficulties, damages directly or indirectly related to third party websites or services.
  4. You are advised to carefully read terms, conditions and policies that apply to the third party websites and services.
  5. Trademarks used on the website may belong to other companies and are used on the Website only for informational purposes.


§3 Governing Law

  1. These Terms are construed and governed by the laws of Poland.
  2. If any term of these Terms violates the laws of Poland, the laws of Poland takes precedence before the Terms in that particular case while the rest of the Terms remain valid.


§4 Changes

  1. The Owner reserves the right to modify and replace these Terms at any time. Any change that is material will be provided at least 30 days before the change takes effect.


§5 Data Privacy

  1. The Website gathers
    1. statistical data about user's behavior on the Website to optimize the user interface and to enhance user's experience,
    2. name and email address provided by the user when subscribing to a newsletter.
  2. Administrator of data gathered by the Website is DBA presents Arkadiusz Fronc located in Raciborowice.
  3. The Website gathers statistical data with Google Analytics and Google AdSense. This data does not contain information that allows user identification.
  4. Our partner (Google) is using information how you interact with our website to customize and adjust advertisement's content for you personal preferences and interests.
  5. Personal information provided through the subscription form is used for sending a newsletter emails.
  6. You have full rights to request access to this information, to update it, to delete it or to restrict processing it. However, remember that not in all cases it might be possible to fulfil your request in regard information stored in cookies.
  7. You can request us to stop processing and to delete data you provided when subscribing to a newsletter by unsubscribing. You can unsubscribe by clicking the unsubscribe link in the newsletter email you received or by sending us an email with your request (the About section on the Website).
  8. If you believe that we are in possession of your data and you want them to be removed, please contact us (the About section on the Website).
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